gender change surgery in Punjab, male to female surgery in india, changing from male to female, sex change surgery in Mohali, Cost for sex change surgery, best doctor for sex change surgery

Gender Change Surgery in Punjab

A person gets the identity of male or female in the mother's womb. There are certain hormones which makes you a male or female. Those who are born with male genitals like penis and testicles are termed as male. Those who are born with a vagina are termed as females. As you grow up the male organs like testicles should produce the hormone testosterone which makes the male features prominent. These features include hoarseness of the voice, facial beard, hair on all parts of the body etc. It is these hormones which brings about the feeling of a male in you. If these hormones are not getting produced and the female hormones in your body are higher than the male hormones then you would feel like a female trapped in a male body. Such people will show the following symptoms :

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gender change surgery in Punjab, male to female surgery in india, changing from male to female, sex change surgery in Mohali, Cost for sex change surgery, best doctor for sex change surgery Getting attracted to males

gender change surgery in Punjab, male to female surgery in india, changing from male to female, sex change surgery in Mohali, Cost for sex change surgery, best doctor for sex change surgery Not feeling any attraction for females

If you feel that you are a female but born as a male then you need to contact our Gender change specialist doctor at CLAGS, Mohali in Punjab. The first step would be to get a psychiatric and psychological evaluation. You will have to undergo several sessions with the psychiatrist before it is certified that you need a gender change surgery. Once this certification is done then our cosmetic surgeon at Mohali Centre in Punjab will discuss with you the pros and cons of undergoing this procedure. Sex change surgery from male to female involves several steps. The first step is to remove the penis and the scrotum and create a urethra. The second step would be to create a vagina so that you can indulge in sexual activity with another male. You would be put on certain hormone supplements so that your body becomes more feminine and breasts start to fill up. At a later stage, you can opt for breast implant surgery which is also done by our cosmetic surgeons at CLAGS Centre for Laser Aesthetics and Gynecology Services.

One must know that in the male to female sex change surgery you are given the sexual organs of a female but not the reproductive organs like ovary and uterus. This means that you cannot get pregnant like other women.

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Surgical Procedures

Male to Female Gender reassignment surgery involves several surgical procedures :

Vaginoplasty - In this surgery the surgeon will remove the penis and the scrotum alongwith the testicles. This surgery also called as Penile inversion vaginoplasty with a neurovascular neoclitoris. In this technique our cosmetic surgeon will use the tissue of the penis and the scrotum to create a vagina and clitoris which can give you pleasure on stimulation. Tissue of the penis is used to create a sensate neo-vagina. The testicles are removed in a procedure called orchiectomy. The skin from the scrotum is used to make the labia. The erectile tissue of the penis is used to make the neoclitoris. The urethra is preserved and functional. This procedure creates an aesthetic and functional female genitalia and takes around 4-5 hours. The hospital stay is 3-4 days and the patient has to follow post discharge instructions very carefully for 8-10 weeks. The newly created vagina has to be dilated regularly so that it remains open.

Breast Augmentation - You will be put on female hormone supplements for 4-6 months so that your body starts becoming more feminine. If you have fat in other body parts then our surgeon can get that fat through liposuction and graft the fat in your breasts. This will make the breasts fuller. If you want bigger breasts then silicon implants can also be placed under or above the pectoral muscle to give you large breasts. Bigger nipple creation is also done during this surgery.

Facial Feminization - Facial feminization surgeries (FFS) include a variety of procedures. These include forehead and brow bone reshaping, jaw and chin contouring, nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), hairline advancement, and tracheal shave.

gender change surgery in Punjab, male to female surgery in india, changing from male to female, sex change surgery in Mohali, Cost for sex change surgery, best doctor for sex change surgery

Best Doctors and Cost

These surgeries are not done at one go. There are various phases to it. Initial consultations, investigations and hormonal therapy provides the platform for the further procedures. Even the surgereis happen in phased manner. The first surgery is removal of penis and scrotum and creation of vagina plus clitoris. 6 months later the patient can go for breast augmentation. This is followed by facial feminization surgeries.

The cost of complete treatment of male to female sex change surgery would be in the range of Rs. 6 to 8 lacs over one year period. The cost would be less for some patients who may not require all these surgeries. Some patients who require only the removal of scrotum and inversion of penis into vagina, the cost would be Rs. 3 - 4 Lacs. For breast augmentation the cost would be Rs. 1.5 - 2.0 lacs and for face feminization surgeries the cost would be Rs. 2 - 3 Lacs.

The team of surgeons at CLAGS Centre in Mohai, Punjab have vast experience in doing these surgeries with excellent outcomes. Our team of doctors for sex change surgery include cosmetic surgeon, urologist, general surgeon, gynae surgeon, psychiatrist, anesthetist and psychologist.

The hospital stay for penile inversion neovagina creation surgery would be 3-4 days and post surgical care would have to done for 6-8 weeks. The hospital stay for breast augmentation and facial feminization surgery would be one day only and not much care is needed after these surgeries.


Anti Aging

Vaginal Surgeries

Laser Treatments

Body Contouring


Laser Technology

Ultrasounic Technology

Waiting Hall

Location Map
